If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the following questions, then a booklet label from Labelservice may be the solution.
Are you having to leave out important information because you’ve run out of copy space on your product?
Are you shipping to foreign countries? Would you like to fit more languages on your products?
Is government required copy making it impossible to fit everything you want to say?
Does everything fit, but the copy is too small for your customer to read?
Would you like to “hide” some of the required copy so you can expand your product’s graphics?
Has regulatory copy squeezed your product’s sales copy?
Would you like to deliver a special promotion to your customers?
Has your product been deluged with legal copy?
Are you getting product complaints due to inadequate product instructions?
Would you like to use your top selling product to introduce a new product?
Are you looking for new ways to combine a digital advertising strategy with product labeling?
Are you looking for ways to reduce packaging to save money and improve your “green” image?
Would you like to differentiate your product from your competitors without reformulating or changing your product?