As a business you may think you have no need for a booklet or leaflet label. Whilst there may be no pressing requirement, why not use the on pack potential of your products?
Have you ever thought about the following?
Increase Copy Space by Over 1000%: If your type is tiny, increase your copy real estate with a booklet label.
Government Required Information. EPA-FDA-DOT: If the government requires it to be on your product, we can make it fit. We have done booklet labels over 100 pages.
Product Liability: Make your product safer to use by adding more detailed instruction. Not only will this reduce product lawsuits, but it will give you a good argument in court.
Coupons and Rebate labels: Everyone wants to save money. Affix a coupon or rebate to your product to give your product a boost and build good will.
Warranty Information: Get your customers to fill out those warranties by providing them in a convenient place…right on your product package.
Customer Retention Programs: Provide a card with a unique code that enrolls a customer in a program once they send it in or fill out online.
Multilingual Labeling: Combine all your languages into one booklet label to make selling in foreign markets easier. This eliminates inventory hassles and expense of carrying a label for every country you sell in.
MSDS: Put your MSDS on your products where it can be immediately accessed in an emergency. Looking for it in online or in a file may waste precious time in a life threatening situation.
Research Vehicle: Use a booklet label to get invaluable information from your customers. Make it a self mailer or prompt them to go online to fill out a form. Either way, an on product questionnaire is well worth the investment.
Recipes: Build your brand by giving away value added information on your product. Recipes offer new ways to use your products.
Free Product Samples: Use our neck hanger packages to give away a sample. Free samples are a tried and true way to building product sales.
Food and Drug Facts: You’re required to give the end user a list of ingredients, calories and nutritional information. Use our 2 ply labels to make it easy to provide this information.
Defense the Competition: Don’t be silent when your competition is telling your customers false and misleading information about your products. Use our booklet labels to give the right answers on your products. Combine with Twitter and Facebook for the biggest impact.
Co-Opt Promotions: Affix a big color booklet of manufacturer’s coupons to your product package. You’ll create a lot of attention getting value. Best of all, your advertisers will pay most of the expense.
Cross Promotion: Use your best selling product to “cross promote” other products you offer. Satisfied customers who know and love your products will be most receptive to buying other things you offer.
Story Telling: Stories get people more emotionally involved. Customers don’t know enough about what you do or what went into making your product. For example, if you are wine maker, tell your customers what went into making your delicious wine. When customers feel connected, they are more inclined to buy more from your company.
New Product Launch: Use your best selling product to launch a new product. Tell your customers all about the new product to get immediate traction. Combine with your website to make a powerful synergistic effect.
“DIY” and “How To”: Give your customers more information on how they can solve a problem with your product. This saves your customer money and endears them to you.
Convenience: Who wants to bend over to read a heavy can, bag or box? Nobody. Give your customer an informational booklet that can be detached and taken to a more comfortable place to read.
Enlarge Graphics: Product labeling heavily influences purchasing decisions. Open up your label by putting the legal copy inside a booklet label. Once done, you have room for big, bold graphics that will make a statement in the marketplace.
Benefit Statements: Use a booklet label to fully detail all your product benefits. Don’t leave it to a few bullet points on the products. In today’s competitive marketplace, you need every weapon you can get. Tell your customers why they need to buy your brand.
Emergency Label Changes: You’re about to ship your product and you find out that there is a label change. Why spend thousands on repacking or throwing away products? Add a booklet label as an addendum. It doesn’t always work out, but we seen many situations where another label saves a lot of money and time.
Reduce Packaging: What could be greener than eliminating extra packaging. Combine the insert and carton information on a booklet label.
Multi-insert Sales Encapsulations: Hire your product as a new sales person. Our booklet label encapsulations can carry 3 inserts. Give your customers a sophisticated sales presentation right on your product package. Watch your sales grow!
Game Promotions: Everyone loves a contest. Make a splash in the marketplace with on product game promotion.