Lots of products require detailed health and safety information in order to comply with regulations. These range from healthcare, cosmetic, and supplement products, to products such as e-liquids for vaping.
With regards to cosmetic products, it’s very important to provide as much information as possible; after all some products used in the beautify industry include ingredients that are allergens, also some beauty items may include animal products in their list of ingredients, something which vegan customers should be made aware of pre-purchase.
With regards to health and safety information about products such as e-liquids, there are many different items of information that you are required to include by law. However, as an e-liquid bottle is often quite small, you’re limited with the amount of space available to you. However, by adding a booklet label with up to 5 layers, you have a plethora of space to include all the necessary information.
For many products, you need to include a significantly large amount of information in the product. Some products can include a small physical booklet inside the box, providing all the important information to the customer. However, there are many products where this is not an option. As such, it can be very useful to incorporate the booklet into the label itself. That way the information stays with the product instead of in the trash.
If you’re looking to advertise and promote interest in your products, competitions are fantastic tools at your disposal. Your competition doesn’t have to be extravagant. You don’t need very expensive prizes to attract interest.
Discount codes, a ‘buy one get one free voucher’, or something similar can be intriguing enough to persuade a potential customer to further investigate your product, giving your label a boost as it persuades them to purchase the item. Another way you can use booklet labels alongside competitions is to incorporate barcodes or QR codes.
If you sell your product in other countries you can provide Information in multiple different languages in your booklet label. In many ways, the world is becoming ‘smaller’ and as more and more people join our multicultural society, it’s important for businesses to realise that English isn’t everyone’s first language. So, if you want to attract customers from a diverse selection of different backgrounds, multi-lingual labelling is a great way to communicate your business’s and product’s message in the customer’s preferred language.